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Spring Renewal

With today being Easter, I sat outside this morning with my notebook & pen, a cup of coffee, and some solitude. Peaceful mornings are often my favorite time of day, because that's when I feel closest to God. With the new job of being a barista, the better half of my week now includes working at 6am, so those moments of solidarity are rare these days!

Today, I sat out in the sunshine, and I focused on exactly how I was feeling in that moment. You see, every Spring brings a feeling of renewal for me: new life, new opportunities, new beginnings. I can feel a season of change coming, and often change is a scary thing. But as I sat there, reflecting on my thoughts, I realized something.

I am surrounded by people who love and care for me; people who will never let me fall. I guess that's what it's like to fully have faith in God's plan for you. Yeah, change is scary. Nobody likes the unknown. But having faith that you have someone in your corner who will never let you fall is all you need to bring you peace of mind. Because of this, I welcome change in my life; I embrace it. With amazing friends and family, and with God looking over me, nothing bad can happen.

It's in the quiet moments like these, that I think the Universe is speaking to me; so whenever the change presents itself, I will walk, unwavering in my confidence, that this is what is meant to happen. Even in the midst of feeling the chaos, being uncomfortable, learning to be silent, or understanding how to let go; I will know that this is the path I was meant to walk on... After all, change is the only way we can grow.

I hope in this season of change, you find your comfort in the midst of everything. I hope you find the courage to embrace this new chapter; trusting in the community that you've surrounded yourself in, and more importantly, trusting in God...who always helps us to see that love is everything.

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